Friday, June 19, 2009

About a year ago I entered the Delay the Real World grant contest. I busted my ass coming up with a proposal. Needless to say, I didn't win. I did, however, learn their 10 rules to Delaying The Real World. And so here they are:

1. Do Not Rush In Vain.

Repeat after me, THERE IS NO RUSH! Skipping a year won't cost you to miss anything in Normalville, in fact, you'll gain invaluable experience out in the wide world.

2. Remember What Year You Are Living In.
In order to make a decision today, you don't have to know what you're gonna be doing 20 years from now. Just imagine where you want to be now, f__ later!

3. Do Not Covet Thy Neighbor's Salary.
Most people whoe get high paying jobs right out of college end up giving up their lives in exchange for money that they don't have time to spend. The money makers are usually exhausted and miserable while those scraping by to do something satisfying are happier.

4. Vary, Vary!

Everything you do does not have to be related to your background! Having a diverse array of experiences can be more impressive than a perfectly coordinated resume. The more you dabble in different things the more you figure out what you like.

5. Blessed Are The Adventourous, They Will Stay That Way. Momentum. People who've started doing interesting things usually keep right on doing them, and likewise, the straight and narrow tragically remain, you guessed it, straight and narrow.

6. The Journey Of A Thousand Miles Begins With One Simple And Free Google Search.

Really, what question can't you look up and find out on your own with the help of a search engine?

7. If It Seems Like A Long Shot Then Shoot Long!

It may seem far, but you'd be surprised how far you can aim. Try, you never know! Worst that can happen is that you don't hit it, but that also happens when you don't shoot anyway. Make sense?

8. If Money Is Standing In Your Way, Plow It Down!

Get creative. Part-time, temp, barter, scrap up funds however you can. Nothing really costs that much unless you're trying to honeymoon in an all-inclusive resort, and we all know that creative honeymooners wouldn't pay that anyway!

9. Just do it.

You can get inspired all you want, but unless you take that step and do it. . .

10. Redefine Real.
The adventure(s) that you wind up taking will be more real than any fluorescent-lit cubicle will ever be, don't lie to yourself! Do something different, you'll wind up being different from the masses.

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