Monday, August 31, 2009

con.fron.ta.tion [kon-fruhn-tey-shuhn n, -fruhn-]

noun act of confronting.
2.the state of being confronted.
3.a meeting of persons face to face. open conflict of opposing ideas, forces, etc.
5.a bringing together of ideas, themes, etc., for comparison.
6.Psychology. a technique used in group therapy, as in encounter groups, in which one is forced to recognize one's shortcomings and their possible consequences.

I dove deep. I pushed, I pulled. I fought, only to think that perhaps
I'd lost my way again.
Growing takes patience, and sometimes knowledge takes a moment to really dawn on you.
A moment to see through the fog, and overlay your new perspective ...
I've made ammends with the past;
I never really lost me way, only thought to have.
I'm driven by a force that at times is so incredibly close, and yet others still so far.
There is somuch more than I've seen, than I've touched, and tasted.
That which I have only makes me want to reach higher, delve deeper.
I will go deeper, I'll push harder, fight stronger.
I can't go back having experienced the lesson.
I can't go back 'cause I've changed.
I can't go back because I am aware,

I'm running full force ahead:
Knowing confrontation is Tangible*

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